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Do you believe in what we're doing?

We look are looking forward to meeting private and corporate partners who are interested in joining our activities, expanding them or initiating new ones.

Information for donations
Riesenkampff Stiftung gemeinnützige GmbH

Managing Director: Dr. Nikolai Riesenkampff 
Registration No: 182761 B
IBAN: DE46 3007 0024 0011 9925 00

Bank: Deutsche Bank, BIC: DEUTDEDBDUE


Donate via Paypal or card

EVERYONE who donates: please fill in the form for donators below: we need these details to contact you and be able to issue a donation receipt (Spendenquittung), for donations outside Germany we can send you a Sponsorship Agreement, if needed.

Thank you!

Thank you to our friends

and partners

Olaf von Brevern

Georg von Brevern

von Brevern Family Foundation

Wilhelm von Rüden

Joachim Riesenkampff

Reili Riesenkampff

Marie von Maydell

Thomas Korte

Franz von Falkenhausen

Julian Kunz

Dr. Peter Blome

Franziska v. Hanstein

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